Bibleref in 60 Seconds

Here's a quick look at what bibleref is and why you should use it.

Bibleref for Writers

Every day, thousands of people create sermons, articles, blog posts, and other content for the Web that references passages from the Bible. Wouldn't it be great if the other people who are interested in those passages could actually find your content? Here's 2 easy things you can do to make that possible:

  1. When you write a reference to a Bible passage, put an HTML tag around it with class="bibleref" to identify it as a Bible reference. If you're not sure what HTML element to use, cite is a good choice. In the simplest case, follow this model:
    <cite class="bibleref">2 Tim 3:16</cite>
  2. If the intended reference isn't clear from the text (for example, phrases like "in verse 16" that are missing context), add a title attribute like title="2 Tim 3:16" to make the reference perfectly clear.

Some next steps:

  • If your text is already a hyperlink (for example, to a website like Bible Gateway), just add class="bibleref". For example, you could write
    <a href="" class="bibleref">2 Tim 3:16</a>
    to make your markup both a hyperlink and bibleref.
  • See the tools page to learn about ways to automatically mark your content with bibleref.
  • Read the overview for more information, or the specification for the full details on how it works.
  • See any HTML reference if you need help with formatting your HTML tags.

Bibleref for Readers

Once enough people start including bibleref markup in their web content, specialized search engines will be able to find and organize these references. That will make searching for references to the Bible both more efficient and more effective.

Encourage your favorite blogger or other content producer to include bibleref markup by telling them about this page.