Index of Presentations
Using the Bible Knowedgebase for Information Integration (March 26, 2011)
A presentation at BibleTech:2011 (Details)
Using a Controlled Vocabulary for Managing a Digital Library Platform (June 25, 2010)
A presentation at 2010 Semantic Technology Conference (Details)
From 0 to Website in 60 Minutes - with Django (April 24, 2010)
A presentation at LinuxFest Northwest (Details)
A Controlled Vocabulary for Biblical Studies (March 27, 2010)
A presentation at BibleTech:10 (Details)
Annotating Linguistic Reference in the New Testament (March 27, 2010)
A presentation at BibleTech:10 (Details)
Organizing the People, Places, and Things in the Bible (March 27, 2009)
A presentation at BibleTech:09 (Details)
Natural Language Processing using Python and NLTK (April 26, 2008)
A presentation at LinuxFest Northwest 2008 (Details)
Bibleref: a Microformat for Bible References (January 26, 2008)
A presentation at BibleTech:08 (Details)
The Zoomable Bible: Getting the Big Picture (January 25, 2008)
A presentation at BibleTech:08 (Details)
"So, Brothers": Pauline Use of the Vocative (November 17, 2007)
A presentation at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting (Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics, S17-9) (Details)
Integrating Greek and English Digital Resources (November 19, 2007)
A presentation at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting (Computed Assisted Research, S19-108) (Details)
Deploying Semantic Technologies for Digital Publishing: A Case Study from Logos Bible Software (May 24, 2007)
A presentation at the Semantic Technology Conference about the Bible Knowledgebase project (Details)
Weaving the New Testament into the Semantic Web (November 21, 2006)
A presentation at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting about New Testament Names (Details)
Visualizing the Gospels (November 21, 2005)
A presentation at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting (Computer Assisted Research Group, S21-15) about treemap visualizatons of the Composite Gospel Index (Details)
Starting to Read the Bible for Yourself (February 2004)
Slides from a seminar at Cedar Ridge Community Church on helping newer believers get started with personal Bible study. It's not fully self-explanatory, but some parts may be useful apart from the presentation.